About Me
Education empowers people and changes lives. We need to look at innovative ways to meet the needs of our students, close achievement gaps, provide early interventions for struggling learners to ensure all of our children reach their full potential. Schools should provide our students with the tools they need to succeed after graduation, no matter what path they choose to follow.
Our schools should provide a safe, healthy environment that protects the rights of students and staff. To meet these challenges our decisions should be data-driven and not based on partisan political ideology. Parents are partners in education.
As a lifelong student, educator, and parent education has always been key to my core values. I have been a nurse, taught HS Biology and Chemistry. I went back to school earning a BS in Biology education, completed my master's work in Microbiology, then a PhD in Cellular-Molecular Biology. I was employed as a research scientist after completing my degrees. In that position, I worked with a diverse pool of scientists, physicians, educators and students. I have taught Biology and Microbiology, mentored physicians and students in research.
Our schools should provide a safe, healthy environment that protects the rights of students and staff. To meet these challenges our decisions should be data-driven and not based on partisan political ideology. Parents are partners in education.
As a lifelong student, educator, and parent education has always been key to my core values. I have been a nurse, taught HS Biology and Chemistry. I went back to school earning a BS in Biology education, completed my master's work in Microbiology, then a PhD in Cellular-Molecular Biology. I was employed as a research scientist after completing my degrees. In that position, I worked with a diverse pool of scientists, physicians, educators and students. I have taught Biology and Microbiology, mentored physicians and students in research.
Contact:Elizabeth Warner for Stafford Schools
email: [email protected] Paid for and authorized by Elizabeth B Warner for Stafford School Board EIN: 84-3207272 |